HHBCR got its start in December 2006, inspired by an amazing woman named Shahna Rice.
It started out as a Border Collie Rescue, but before long, we became all breed and mixed breed rescue as well. We still focus on Border Collies, as they are the breed of my heart…brilliant, loyal, and misunderstood. We now do a lot of puppy mill rescue, US and interprovincial rescue from gassing and heart stick pounds, and believe firmly in our mantra, “Mercy Knows No Borders”.
Since the inception of HHBCR, we have rescued well over a thousand dogs. HHBCR is not one person. HHBCR is MANY people. From our outstanding Board of Directors to the amazing foster homes who take in these abandoned dogs, people who donate, help transport, help with numerous fundraisers, run the website and social media pages, and many other necessary aspects of the rescue behind the scenes.
The volunteers are the life blood of HHBCR. Without these wonderful, dedicated people, HHBCR would not be the thriving entity it is today.
To each one of you, I extend my eternal gratitude. Thank you, all of you who walk this path with me. Thank you for sharing my dream. Thank you for helping save these precious lives. Hull’s Haven Border Rescue belongs to all of you.
With love and appreciation;
Sally E. Hull
Executive Director
Hull’s Haven Border Collie Rescue
Who We Are
As you venture forth to one of our fundraising events such as adoption fairs, a booth at one of the major animal events, or even just to a local dog park, you will ALWAYS find one of Hull’s volunteers — or a Hull’s dog!
Thank you to each and every one.