
by Marie D.

Dear Chester;
Tuesday, October 13th, 2015, marked the 1 year anniversary of when you officially became our boy smile emoticon I still can’t believe that you persuaded me to go out on a limb again and give my heart away to a fur baby. Sally asked me if I could “babysit” a pomeranian cross for the weekend of the Pet Value Adoption Fair. No problem….. I picked you up at Brenda’s place on Friday morning. My first thought when I saw you was “that is the stupidest looking pomeranian I’ve ever seen”…lol –
I took you to the adoption fair on Saturday and a lovely couple thought that you would be perfect for them. My niece and I did the home assessment, and they were a perfect match – tada; you were to go on adoption trial – yay!!! Ah geez…they backed out- so back to Brenda’s you went.
Long story short….you ended up back with me as a foster mom….OY!!
With my six little urns on the dresser; I had vowed to never, ever, give my heart away again….fostering was my thing…. the last three had gone fine –
October long weekend; we had a fishing trip planned and I couldn’t take you along, so off to a sitter you went. Wonderful people who fell in love with you as soon as I dropped you off with them.
It was one of the saddest moments of my life. You looked in my eyes and all I heard was “Why do you give me away -you’re my momma”?
On our drive out to the lake, my dear boy; all I could think about was you…the whole weekend – all I could think about was you!! I had already renamed you from Chesley to Chester.
I called Lisa and Nikki – “please tell the nice sitter that I so appreciate her looking after you for the weekend, but when we get back to the city on Monday, we will pick you up and bring you HOME”!!!!
OMG Chester…..I love you so much!!
God knows better than I do – If He had not sent this “stupidest looking pomeranian” to me, I would never have again known this love again smile emoticon – To Chester……from Momma
