by Deborah S.
From the moment I laid eyes on his yellow, urine soaked fur, rotten teeth, gray muzzle and old, tired eyes that had seen many years of neglect, I was in love. McDuff was not exactly a foster fail rather a “dog sitting fail”. As a favour to HHBCR, I agreed to dog sit for a few days while his foster mom was out of town.
We brought him home with the windows rolled down so we could breathe, due to his rather “pungent” door. Long story short and an excess animal permit later, McDuff has thrived and morphed into a handsome boy who now looks forward to big bear hugs rather than pulling away from any form of attention. He even “enjoys” dressing up for special occasions and holidays.
He is a much loved family member who will spend the rest of his days surrounded by love in his forever home.