by Jan V.
A few years ago, I adopted Sadie from the Wpg Humane Society. I found her with her head in the corner with severe kennel depression. Her time was up. They were going to put her down. I took her for a walk. We were sitting on the grass getting acquainted, then she put her paw on my shoulder, looked at me, and I knew that this girl was coming home with me.
Sadie was my first puppy mill survivor dog who was terrified of the world. Any sudden movements or noises would send her into such a terror – even a leaf falling from a tree, walking by a blue garbage bin, a cupboard accidentally slamming shut, or even the furnace kicking in. It was 2 years of trying my best to make Sadie realize that she was safe and to try to bring out the ‘dog’ in her. When we moved back to the City, I thought that fostering would help her, by bringing in other dogs so she could learn from them.
Fosters came and went, but there was no real connection for Sadie with any of them. Then Noelle came into our lives.
Within 2 weeks, Sadie barked for the first time with confidence. She started going to my family for pets – where before, she would hide under my desk. Walking became a joy for both Sadie and I (she blew by those garbage bins like they weren’t even there!) After these HUGE milestones, and more happening every day, I realized (more like I knew) that Noelle has found her place in our lives. She was going nowhere. While I was fostering Noelle, not one person inquired about her. Not one. It was God’s way of telling me that she was already home.
This amazing dog is the love of my life. Her uniqueness, her quirkiness and the way she does things makes me laugh every day. Her herding instinct is so incredibly acute. On her first sheep herding lesson, she just blossomed and her true calling definitely was shown to the world. (Now, if I can only afford more lessons! LOL)…Thank you, Hull’s Haven, for bringing this wonderful creature into my life. We are forever in your debt – both Sadie and I. (You should see Sadie today!! You would never know that she was this bundle of fear. She is the happiest, most confident and wonderful dog ever!)
These are only a few pics of my girls – to see our adventures, you can visit my Flickr page