With today’s growing list of treats that are making dogs sick, why not make your own?
Not only will your dog love you to bits, you’ll feel better knowing what went into the treats!
The recipes below are super simple to make and require zero cooking skills
These are recipes that I found on the net from various sites and were successful (I won’t share the ones that weren’t!)
(If you have a recipe that you would like to share, please email to web@hullshaven.org)
[/wc_column][wc_column size=”one-half” position=”last”] [wc_box color=”info” text_align=”left”]To make a Recipe Gluten-Free
Exchange wheat flour with other types of flour. Replace 1cup of regular wheat flour with:
1-1/4c of rye or oat flour; or
3/4c potato flour
Add 1/2 tsp of baking powder to each substituted cup to keep the consistency of the treat, and add a few minutes to the baking time.
[/wc_box] [/wc_column][/wc_row]
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